Why did I decide to make this website?
Like many of us, I wanted a space on the web that was completely my own.
I'm 21 -- old enough to have memories of the pre-corporate-hellhole web, but too young to have really participated in it (beyond random click and drag games and stumbling across personal webpages).
I really missed seeing all of the fun personal sites out there. I love the idea of people making their own web pages for themselves and their friends.
So, I was really exited when I found out about neocities! It has been so nice to look at everyone's sites and see their personalities and interests represented.
Learning HTML and CSS is pretty fun too. This has been a blast all-around.
Anything I want it to be! >:D
Right now, (6/1/2023), I'm thinking about adding a page dedicated to my childhood rock collection, with pictures of each individual rock, fossil, and gem. My phone camera has been all wonky though, so that might take a while.
I've also got a music page that I need to flesh out. When I figure out how to code it, I'd love for people to send me music recs! Or just a page for people to publish comments with their own favorite artists. I'm into early punk rock, gothic rock, and other post-punk music.
I might make a page with some of my favorite art pieces I've made as well. I'm starting to draw more again, so that could be fun.
I'm also excited about all of the other queer people on here. I hear there are ftm and transmasc pride rings? Ring me up!
(6/9/2023) I'm getting into mythology again. I'm thinking about creating a page where I write summaries and personal thoughts about different myths. I have four mythology related books in total now, so I've got a lot to work with!